Intent Digital, LLC  *  3104 E. Camelback Road, Suite 445  *  Phoenix, AZ  85016  *  (602) 404-0100

Contact the VoteLynx Team

(602) 404-0100


The VoteLynx public speaker kiosk software system enables citizens to easily and quickly register to address the meeting body without having to fill out written speaker cards.  One or more kiosk or computer entry stations may be use used simultaneously by citizens to enter their speaker request for the meeting.  Citizens may choose to address one or more agenda items from agenda list or enter a topic of their choice.

The VoteLynx application software automatically configures the public kiosk system based on the meeting’s agenda items.  Simple, easy to follow prompts guide citizens through the speaker registration process.  Once entry is complete, the system provides  positive confirmation of the registration.

Public speaker entry is available as an application or as a preconfigured package ready to install into kiosk furniture.  A single kiosk will connect directly to the VoteLynx software application.  Two or more kiosks require a kiosk server.

Public Speaker Sign-up Kiosks

Download Public Speaker Kiosk Brochure

Simple point and click screens to guide speaker sign-up

Standard Features

